Tianxing CHEN (陈天行)

3rd-year Undergraduate Student @ SZU

Computer Science and Technology, CSSE,
Shenzhen University (SZU)


Email / Google Scholar / Github / WeChat / Resume


Hi! I am Tianxing Chen (陈天行), currently a 3rd-year undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science at Shenzhen University (expected graduation in July 2025) and doing research at Shanghai AI Laboratory (Pujiang National Laboratory), supervised by Yao Mu.

I have won a silver medal in the ACM-ICPC regional competition and a national runner-up in the RAICOM robotics competition. I also received CCF Elite Collegiate Award (CCF优秀大学生, top 99 nationwide) and "Excellent Star of SZU (荔园卓越之星)" which was the recipient of the highest honor for undergraduate students at Shenzhen University (rk 2/30000).

My research interests mainly focus on Embodied AI (具身智能), on behavior planning and policy based on Diffusion Model, LLM and Reinforcement Learning. I am very interested in the application of policy in robot manipulation and autonomous driving scenarios.

Feel free to contact me by email if you are interested in discussing or collaborating with me.

Highlight Moments

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CSSE, Shenzhen University (深圳大学, SZU), China

B.Eng. (currently studying) in Computer Science and Technology (Excellent Class)

GPA 91.0 / 100, Excellent Star of SZU (荔园卓越之星, top 0.0067%)

Sep. 2021 - Jun. 2025 (expected)

Research & Visiting Experience

Visual Computing Research Center (VCC), Shenzhen University

Jul. 2024 - Present, Intern Researcher, Shenzhen, China

Supervised by Prof. Ruizhen Hu (国家优青)

OpenGVLab, Shanghai AI Laboratory (Pujiang National Laboratory)

Feb. 2024 - Present, Intern Researcher, Shanghai, China

Working with Yao Mu and Dr. Wenhai Wang

MMLab@HKU - Multimedia Laboratory at The University of Hong Kong

Jan. 2024 - Feb. 2024, Visiting Student, Hong Kong, China

Supervised by Prof. Ping Luo

National Engineering laboratory for Big Data System Computing Technology, Shenzhen University

Sep. 2023 - Jan. 2024, Intern Researcher, Shenzhen, China

Supervised by Dr. Jie Chen and Prof. Jianqiang Li (IET Fellow / 国家杰青)

Publications (Selected) | [Full List]

Under Review
HiAgent: Hierarchical Working Memory Management for Solving Long-Horizon Agent Tasks with Large Language Model
Under Review 2024
This paper proposes HiAgent, a hierarchical framework that utilizes subgoals to manage the working memory of Large Language Model(LLM)-based agents. HiAgent aims to address the poor performance of LLM-based agents when handling long-horizon tasks.
ECCV Workshop (Oral)
RoboTwin: Dual-Arm Robot Benchmark with Generative Digital Twins (early version)
Yao Mu*, Tianxing Chen*, Shijia Peng*, Zanxin Chen*, Zeyu Gao, Yude Zou, Lunkai Lin, Zhiqiang Xie and Ping Luo
ECCV Workshop 2024 (Oral), “Multi-Agent Autonomous Systems Meet Foundation Models: Challenges and Futures”
Using the COBOT Magic platform, we have collected diverse data on tool usage, human-robot interaction, and mobile manipulation. We present a cost-effective approach to creating digital twins using AI-generated content, transforming 2D images into detailed 3D models. Furthermore, we utilize large language models to generate expert-level training data and task-specific pose sequences oriented towards functionality.
ManiCM: Real-time 3D Diffusion Policy via Consistency Model for Robotic Manipulation
Guanxing Lu*, Zifeng Gao*, Tianxing Chen, Wenxun Dai, Ziwei Wang, and Yansong Tang
Under Review 2024
We propose a real-time point cloud-conditioned diffusion model named ManiCM for robotic manipulation that imposes the consistency constraint to the diffusion process, so that the model can generate robot actions in only one-step inference.
Robust UAV Policy Learning for Urban Infrastructure Surface Screening
Bingging Du*, Uddin Md. Borhan*, Tianxing Chen, Jianyong Chen, Jiangiang Li, and Jie Chen
ICARM 2024, The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics
This paper presents a novel approach to enhance UAV policy learning for surface screening of urban infrastructure in environments lacking GPS.
Coming Soon
ManiArticulation, PDDL, RoboTwin, RAMSS, ManiPose

* Equal contribution. Corresponding author.

Competition Awards (Selected)

During college (up to now 2 years), I have won a total of 16 national awards.

(ACM-ICPC) International Collegiate Programming Contest Regional Contest.

Silver Medal🥈, 银牌,(ACM-ICPC) 国际大学生程序设计竞赛亚洲区域赛

With Yuanjie He, Yifei Liu. Supervised by Prof. Jianbin Qin.
Team: SZU_Tencent
RoboCom Robot Development Competition (RAICOM)

National Runner-up🏆, 全国亚军,睿抗机器人开发者大赛

With Weili Li, Jiaxuan Li. Supervised by Dr. Jie Chen

[2024] National gold medal team & Provincial runner-up🏆, (CCCC) China Collegiate Computing Contest.
[2023] Silver Medal🥈, (ACM-ICPC) International Collegiate Programming Contest Regional Contest (46th).
[2023] National Runner-up🏆, RoboCom Robot Development Competition (RAICOM).
[2023] Gold Medal, (GDCPC) China Collegiate Programming Contest Guangdong Provincial Contest.
[2023] Silver Medal, (CCPC) China Collegiate Programming Contest National Invitational Contest.
[2023] National First Prize, top 0.3%, LanQiao Cup Programming Contest (C/C++).
[2023] National Silver Medal Team, (CCCC) China Collegiate Computing Contest.
[2022] Provincial Second Prize, Wechat Mini Programs Application Development Contest.


During college (up to now 2 years), I have received a total of 17 scholarships, totaling CNY 150,000. I have received a total of 3 personal honors.
-- Selected --

CCF Elite Collegiate Award, CCF优秀大学生 (2023) [Report]
- awarded by China Computer Federation (中国计算机学会)
- to the top 99 students nationwide
Excellent Star of Shenzhen University, 荔园卓越之星 (2023) [Report]
- the highest honor for undergraduate students at Shenzhen University
- ranked 2nd among the 30,000 undergraduates in the school (top 0.0067%)
- the only junior to win the award in 2023
- the only award-winning student of college in the past 3 years, CNY 50,000
-- Others --
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Engineering Experience

AI4ProgrammingEdu (万木程林):
AI-based Programming Education Platform

May, 2024, Project Leader & Prompt-Design Developer & 3-people Team

Designer of ChatGLM AI teacher based on Zhipu AI open source model, developer of online hands-on teaching platform based on Scratch enlightenment programming game.
Outcome: Offline trial classes have been conducted in rural primary and secondary schools in Shanwei, Heyuan and other places.

Easy2Buy_Shouyi (易购首邑):
Rural Revitalization WeChat Mini Program E-commerce Platform

Jun, 2022, my freshman year in university, Project Leader & Front-End Developer & 3-people Team

Front-end design and development based on WeChat native framework, front-end and back-end interaction (JavaScript/wxml/wxss/json, Go).
Outcome: The demo has been delivered to Yangqu Government, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, and won the second prize (Provincial) in WeChat Mini Program Application Development Competition, []

Leadership Experience

  • 2023.6 - Present, Shenzhen University ACM Algorithm Training Team, Captain & Student Coach
  • 2023.4 - 2024.1, Guangdong Province's "青年百千万工程" project - "桃园结谊", Project Leader
  • 2023.4 - 2023.7, Guangdong Provincial-level "三下乡" Project, Project Leader
  • 2022.4 - 2022.9, Rural revitalization e-commerce project - Tesco Shouyi, Project Leader
  • 2021.9 - Present, Shenzhen University Class of 2021 Computer Science and Technology (Excellent Class), Monitor
  • Academic Organizations

  • DeepTimber Robotics Innovations Community (深木科研交流社区), Member of Youth Executive Committee
  • Clubs

  • 2023.9 - Present, Tencent Innovation Club
  • 2023.8 - Present, Huawei AIeducationbase Association
  • 2023.6 - Present, Shenzhen University ACM Algorithm Training Team
  • 2023.6 - Present, Shenzhen University Electronics Association
  • 2021.10 - 2022.1, Shenzhen University Badminton Team
  • Reports

    [06/2024], 《数万人“打卡”深圳大学校园开放日,线上线下近200万人参与》, 《6·22 深圳大学头条预定~等你如期而遇》
    the wechat official account of SZU, with over 50,000 visits.
    [06/2024], 《2024深圳大学普通高考全日制本科招生指南:学子风采》
    the official admissions guide of SZU.
    [05/2024], 《陈天行:从一点喜欢到全国亚军,他在深大敲出未来的声音》
    the wechat official account of SZU Undergraduate Admissions, with more than 9,000 visits.
    [05/2024], 《深大学子陈天行:望向无垠的数字海,他寻找着自己的坐标...》
    the official bilibili account of Shenzhen University, which has over 120,000 followers.
    [04/2024], 《学习竞赛公益样样都行,我承认他真的太帅了!》
    the official Xiaohongshu account of Shenzhen Univerity, which has over 40,000 followers.
    [02/2024], 《学子专访 | 陈天行:身登峰峦之高, 亦怀江湖之远》
    the wechat official account of College of Computer Science and Softward Engineering, SZU, with more than 1,000 visits.
    [01/2024], 《在深大, 他们“自定义”卓越》
    the wechat official account of SZU, with over 10,000 visits.
    [11/2023], 《2023年度CCF优秀大学生启航计划发布典礼在沈举行》
    reported by the official website of China Computer Federation (CCF).
    [09/2022], 《学子专访 | 陈天行:促进电商发展, 帮助乡村振兴》
    the wechat official account of College of Computer Science and Softward Engineering, SZU, with more than 1,000 visits.

    Latest updated in Aug. 2024

    © Tianxing Chen